Sunday 6 January 2008

Freakin' technology!

At 35, I'm too old to keep learning knew tricks. I know, I know, once upon a time I used to be able to do so much with technology. I could pre-program my parents' VCR. I could use command lines in DOS and UNIX. I was an expert in Word Perfect 5.1 and could program macros in Lotus 123. But those days are long gone, my friend.

I swear, if I have to learn how to use another mobile phone I will scream! These days, I have more of a make do approach to technology. I learn the bare minimum to do the bare necessities. I answer calls, send txt, save numbers in the contacts book.

Imagine my dismay last night when I tried to work out Face Book. At first I thought it wouldn't let me see anyone's profile unless I had in them in my profile as friends. But then, to my surprise, I was able to see my friend Phil's profile before inviting him as a friend. So, that theory was thrown out. Then, I realised that you can specify your own privacy setting so some people probably allow all to see their profile, while others only allow 'friends'. So I'm learning.

Then, I had a "Teachers" moment. I'm friendless. [sigh] Andrew Lincoln plays a grade 11 school teacher who confiscates a mobile phone from a student. During his cigarette break he flicks through the contacts in the phone and is horrified to learn that this student has more than a hundred phone numbers. Being overly melodramatic (as only Teachers can) he compares this student's life to his own. Andrew has 25 numbers in his phone, subtract two for people with mobile and landline numbers in there, subtract one for Mr Tandoori and you're left with a pretty lame guy with no life.

[This post has been interrupted to push my nose up against the glass on the back door. As I squish my nose to the glass, I get an outside glass kiss from Grace. Oh yes, that's right. I'm a mummy now. I get to fill my phone contacts up with other mummy's numbers from playgroup. I get to watch/ignore Maisy mouse 26 times a day. sigh. As you were....]

So my point? Hurry up and make friends with me so this technology doesn't continue to make me feel lame and uncool - as much as we know it's true.

PS: I seriously considered being like one of the cool people and putting an image on my profile that doesn't look like me/doesn't contain me at all. But, in the end, the whole reason I'm attracted to Facebook is the chance to catch up with some special people that I haven't seen or heard from in years. If I don't put my face on my profile, considering my name has changed, they won't know it's me. Wouldn't that be a shame?

BTW: I managed to work out how to feed my blog via Facebook so you read this via or my Facebook profile. Cooleo.