Friday 21 March 2008

Good Friday Seedlings

Easter is not about eggs, or bunnies or chocolate. It is about seeds.

As Jesus agonised at the thought of his impending death, He said "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." (John 12:24).

When Jesus died on the cross He fell to the ground and was buried in the pits of hell. But in His death came the new life that only God can breathe upon us.

On the third day He rose, like a seed sprouting, and came to life once more. This time like a plant spreading its seeds around the earth.

Easter is all about seeds and the new life we are given when we take the seed of God's love and plant it firmly in our heart.

When you consider what Jesus did for you on the first Good Friday, let His overwhelming love be the first thing to pierce your heart. Pray this prayer below if you want to accept the blessings of the cross and embrace Jesus as friend and saviour.

A prayer for new life:

Father God,
I realise I am a sinner. I have sinned and deserve my consequences. But I have learned that in you there is forgiveness, unconditional love and a new life breathed into my soul. Please come into my life and my heart so I can be born again in Christ Jesus?

Have a very good friday.