Saturday 17 May 2008

Cafepress Update (Including sympathy poem)

I recently created an online store using Cafepress. It's called " Online Store". At the moment it only contains a couple of designs. They will be added as I get the opportunity. I only have one design per product item. If you like a design (eg. on a greeting card) but want to buy it on a different item (eg. mini poster or framed print) then feel free to drop me a line: anna at annaharris dot com and I'll do my darnedest to make it happen for you.

Designs currently on the site are:

A Birthday Card 10 pack of "Happy Hip Hop Birthday" cards. This is a pretty funky graffiti-style design. The inside says "It's your day. Bust a move."

There's a cute little teddy bear wearing a t-shirt with another one of my poems on it. The poem is called "God is like a teddy bear". It's been valuable in helping people understand something about who God is and how he loves. Perhaps you might like to share a bear with a friend and help them find out about God's love.

"God is like a teddy bear with a conscience
He listens to everything you say
He tells you the right thing to do
And still loves you after you do the opposite."

And finally (for now) there is a very powerful sympathy card, complete with a lovely image of a white hydrangea. I adore that image. I adore the poem. It's about losing your one true love and dealing with laying them to rest. Here is the poem:

The grass is yet to grow back
in the place where they buried you.
There is only dirt
and wilted flowers.
The remnants of my last visit.

I don't wan't grass anyway.
That would be a lie,
As if everything was normal.
As if you were laid to rest.
As if you and I were at peace.

They buried my heart with you,
My Darling, My love.
They left pieces exposed
like rocks in the dirt.

No grass can grow there,
Until leaves fall
and tears fall,
to nourish the earth.

Tears. Tears.
I have been hurt.
The realisation that I will never
hold you,
never touch you,
never hear you laugh.
How can I ever let go?
Tears rain down now,
upon your grave.
Preparing the soil for my new life,
without you.

The grass must grow back again.
The sun must shine again.
Rest in Glory.
Rest in Peace.
Rest in Love.

I have great plans for this CafePress store. I have so many ideas for greeting cards, posters, gifts and t-shirts. In fact, I have so many ideas that it makes my head ache. I'm stressed about my somewhat limited artistic skills. I'm a writer, not a fighter. Oh, I mean an artist.

Over time I'll be building up my collection of available designs. My goal is to upgrade to a Premium store and make this little baby into an earner! Stay tuned for more updates.

[sigh] Wish me well, folks. And go there and buy my stuff. Please.