Saturday 11 October 2008

Pimp Your Undies!

Fat chicks of the world UNITE!!!! Don't let the fashion industry tell you what undies you can and cannot wear. Thumb your nose at the prima donnas who tell you that fat chicks can't wear anything but beige cottontails.

OK, so they might be comfortable and practical and available in plus sizes,... but Cottontails come in about three pastel shades, a nasty shade of beige that looks like you washed your whites in with Dad's work socks, and occasionally they do a really tragic floral pattern in an insipid mint-green and white design.

In frustration, I tried some Rio undies. Full marks to them for their "Sexy at any size" range. My purple spotty undies definitely do make me feel like dancing. BUT, and there is a BUTT, they seem a little fond of - ahem - moving out of their preferred position. So, I have returned to comfy old cottontails,...

But this time I know better. Last night, Grace and I pimped my undies. Now my cottontails are scarlet red. Nice,... and liberating.