Thursday 2 July 2009

Bathroom clean in 9 minutes?

The illustrious Shannon Lush claims that she cleans her bathroom in 9 minutes. I'm a cynic, but I really want this to be true. It always takes me hours to scrub the crap and mould out of my bathroom.

She also makes these claims that old pantyhose are the best cleaning cloths known to man,... it's almost enough to make me want to wear the darn things, just so there will be some old worn out ones on hand for cleaning.

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Gorgeous Kids Castle made from cardboard boxes!

I am absolutely loving this idea by Mr McGroovy. It sure is groovy, Sir.

I am working on one of these for Grace's 4th Birthday in August. I've just lined up 8 refrigerator boxes thanks to a very nice lady at a refrigerator delivery company. Stay tuned for the photos of the final project,... the pic here is what it should look like, according to Mr McGroovy.